Thursday, December 3, 2009

Does anyone know any jokes that a vegetarian can tell to a meat-eater?

I'm a vegetarian and I am getting tired of non-vegetarians giving me a hard time and making jokes to me! I wish a had jokes to say back to them or anything that would embaress them for picking on me. Thanks!

Does anyone know any jokes that a vegetarian can tell to a meat-eater?-Myspace pictures

Q - how many meat eaters does it take to change a light bulb?

A- it doesn't matter they like to stay in the darker!

I can complete understand your point of view. here is what I have done

Often it is not what you say, but what you do that matters.

1) be the best example you can. be healthy, be strong, be hip.

2) Eat amazingly good food, - people may start wondering why your food looks and tastes so good.

3) Don't got defensive, about your diet, instead, jokingly state: "Yeah, I am just not into disease, and death!" laugh!

4) Learn to act like you don't care! if someone says blah, blah, reply "oh were you still talking, I switch off when people are being judge mental" laugh!

5) Say, "Erm,, I am not into all that death and blood thing, not my style".

6) say "at dinner time, I like to eat food, no go to a funeral"

7) change the subject "so how did that meeting with blah blah"

If someone keeps bothering you, reply in a joking way, but stick up for yourself!

Your goal, is not to be defensive, but be confident in your choices and have the best time ever!

Do not be shy, or anything, you be strong and calm and funny, and sexy!

Go gettem tiger!

Does anyone know any jokes that a vegetarian can tell to a meat-eater?

-(Myspace images

Gawd, I know what you mean. People seem to act defensively (offensively) pretty often when they are around veg*ans.

These days I usually end up responding with something like "oh, that's so original/clever. I've never heard that one before." "I bet you make your mama proud." Sometimes it's hard to keep too much "bite" out of my voice... and at work I suppose you have to make some effort to stay professional, eh? (bleh)

You could counter with "I won't give you a hard time about your eating habits, if you don't give me a hard time about mine..." and that actually seems to work for me sometimes. (I swear, the first couple of times I had a veggie burger at work, you'd think I'd brought in one of my co-workers children for a ritual sacrifice... they couldn't take it!)

It's curious to me how so many non-vegs think vegetarianism is funny/cute/trite. They don't seem to understand that we often make the decision because we think killing animals to eat them is, shall we say, a wee bit upsetting? Sometimes if the person who is hassling you has an issue that's important to them, you can provide an example that will make them understand more. Eg. if that person is pro-life, you wouldn't callously talk about abortions and what great fun they are. (I know, this is not the "same thing" but do you get my point?) You can look for parallels in their lives that might help them understand where you are coming from.

Perhaps next time you are comfortable mentioning something to your coworkers, you can just explain that you will not trounce on the way they live their lives if they reciprocate.

It's ironic that vegans are usually the ones getting attacked, and not the other way around... because people seem to expect us to act militantly.

Wow, going on a bit. Shutting up now.

How many meat eaters does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They prefer to stay in the dark.

For fairness sake.

How many vegans does it take to change a light bulb?

None. Everybody knows they can't change anything.

Hi Kim :-) I guess I should have typed faster...LOL
Lighten up............. We are all different and we are ALL unique

Too many people are quick to judge, take no notice - as long as you are happy with YOU.............That's ALL that matters.!

Enjoy being vegetarian ...................It's your choice......xxxxxxx
My favorite joke: (although not really helpful..)

How many vegetarians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

I don't know, but where do you get your protein?

I don't think trying to embarrass your friends is the answer.

Try not to talk about it too much- either your food choices or theirs. Remember, this is your personal decision- they didn't sign up for the animal rights lecture series.

Walk away from people who harass you, or learn to laugh along with them. Be sure to educate yourself so you'll have a response ready when you can't avoid them.

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