Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Should a teacher ever tell jokes?

I just dont agree that I teacher should not tell jokes... Class is meant to be fun, it only takes a minute and puts everyone in a good mood (whether it is good or not).

Why are people always so strict to teachers???

Should a teacher ever tell jokes?-Myspace pictures

Let me tell you that as a teacher I used jokes in my classes to reinforce certain comprehension skills. My students loved it and learned funny jokes adapted fo their age and at the same time they were able to improve comprehension skills.

Should a teacher ever tell jokes?

-(Myspace images myspace.com)

Yes i 100% think that tachers should tell jokes wheter they make a fool of them selves and everyone laughs at there stupidity or they say a really cracker and everyone almost pee's there pants.

I also think that it is stupid that people are so strict with teachers!

Some little children might go home and tell there parents which then leads to a phone call to the school! So the school has to be more strict

I agree with you and I think that class would be alot more ffun with some jokes every now and again!

Thankyou for the question

And I starred you =)
yeah..i totally agree with it :)

it's makes the subject alive.. and people will concentrate on you more
Teachers should do whatever it takes to reach their students. Humor is certainly a way to get their attention. Some of my favorite teachers, the ones who I not only enjoyed, but learned from, were funny folks.

Heck, I remember my 10th grade geometry teacher. He was an assistant coach for a local college basketball team, and he lived for basketball. As long as we were on track with what we were supposed to be learning, we would spend pretty much a whole class each week talking about basketball. Not how geometry relates to it, just talking basketball. And if we were not keeping up, if the quiz grades were not up to par, we didn't. We worked hard to get that "free" class each week.
Sure, why not?? Humour is a good method to get to students.
well i agree with yah since i am information technology lecturer myself and everyday i start of 4 hours of class with joke and this sets my students mood b4 class and they perform well .

so i think u shud tell joke in the class its good motivation for students

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