Thursday, December 3, 2009

Out of all the jokes running in 2008, does Ron Paul make the most sense?

Ron Paul holds ideas that would be create radical changes in Washington, but he is a very smart, honest, and patriotic guy. I think the loons running in 2008 are some of the biggest jokes that have run for President in the history of the United States. Hardly any of them have outstanding achievements besides being a lazy senator for several years. You have Hillary, who changes her mind every ten minutes, and Obama, who wants to pass unconstitutional gun control laws. I am afraid that many women will vote for Hillary just because she is a woman and that man African-Americans will vote for Obama just because he is black when they are probably the 2 worst candidates in the whole race. In the absence of a true, accomplished, and non-corporate candidate in 2008, I pick Ron Paul.

Out of all the jokes running in 2008, does Ron Paul make the most sense?-Myspace pictures

we are all going to be truly devastated in the end because of the fact that a person without mega bucks backing them or "name recognition" as you call it , (Henry V111) has little chance in hell of winning the presidency. attitudes like yours only help to enforce this long standing, truly sickening political "trend". Hilary is a joke, not because she is a woman, but i think her words and actions pretty much speak for themselves. Obama is justs nuts, plain and simple. i find his views on gun control laws shameful. as long as the government (and cops %26amp; criminals) carry guns, you better believe that our right as individuals to carry guns is paramount to ensure living in a free society. we as americans have certain duties to see that we remain free, and there may come a day soon enough that you will wish you hadn't have just tossed your constitutional rights into the void, because some big smiling head conned you into believeing IT had your best interests at heart, or whatever silly reasons you have for letting the powers that be erode the constitution and it's bill of rights without taking notice or care. freedom is a responsiblity. if you are not responsible for exercising the freedom we have or standing up to those who would rather the common american citizen hadn't much more freedom than the products we buy, then soon enough you will likely get your wish, and sadly many people won't notice or even care. i pick Ron Paul, but sometimes i wonder if we have crossed the point of no return. Wake up people, or we are all through.

Out of all the jokes running in 2008, does Ron Paul make the most sense?

-(Myspace images

sure, since im a fake conservative!
who cares..if anything..that excludes Paul..from even being considered..
This woman will never vote for Hillary, Obama makes no sense, and I'm afraid neither does Ron Paul in my opinion.
NO. His grasp of economics is not much better than Kerry's.
as a democrat, Ron Paul may be my favorite candidate of all, just because he actually voices the truth, and sticks to no matter how unpopular it is.
If you pick Ron Paul you are in a very special group which is less than one percent of the electoate. Sure we are all entitled to our dreams but eventually reality catches up to us. I just hope you don't get too devistated when he loses big time which he surely will. He has little money and almost no name recognition. If he hasn't gotten those by now he can forget it.
Obama, what scares me about that guy is the only 2 things I know about him for a fact. He has only been a senator for what a whole term. That is really not enough time to no how this game is played, makes you wonder if hes not just another Gore/Kerry puppet.

Then there was a press conference where someone made a joke about his ears. He pulled them aside and lectured them and told them they were on notice, being from Georgia thems fightin words, that reporter should have just popped him right in the mouth afterwords.

If he can't handle big ear jokes he is going to cave in every way.
Simply put, yes.
I agree. He is the most qualified, but that is precisely why he won't get the Republican nomination.

They want either a war monger, or another puppet.
I would love to be a supporter of Ron Paul because many of his ideas are wonderful. Unfortunately, he has too many ideas that he has not thought all the way through. This makes him a joke also and would mean a crushing defeat that would be bad for the country. He won't take advice, and by that I don't mean for him to change his opinions. I hope you understand what I am saying. So I will go with Sen. Fred Thompson as the closest and a chance for victory.
Ron Paul is what I would consider a true conservative, he backs smaller, less intrusive, fiscally responsible government. That's exactly why he won't get the nod from the GOP. He doesn't attack gays, liberals, or talk about abortion, more reasons he won't get the nomination. I often wonder just what a conservative today really backs. To me it is rigid thinking that doesn't know how to change, corporate backers, people who would rather spend money on conflicts rather than health care for Americans and anybody who dislikes democrats as much as they do. As a former democrat and now an independent for more than a dozen years, if Paul gets the GOP nod, he gets my vote.
Nope... he is not even close to being as great as Fred Thompson.

And Speaking of Jokes... RICHARDSON??? Please... he needs to quit now.
Nope, he's just a Clinton puppet poised to run third party and disrupt the Replicans. See Ross Perot in 92.

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