Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cory Lidle jokes?

I've heard a couple Cory Lidle jokes today. Nothing really good. (Traded to the Angels etc.)

Anybody have some good ones?

The best will get the points. In case of a tie quantity will decide.

Cory Lidle jokes?-Myspace pictures

This isn't really in good taste. That being said, here's a good one!

It's too bad A-Rod was not flying the plane. Because he does not hit anything in October!

Cory Lidle jokes?

-(Myspace images

Q: How do you stop a Cory Lidle fastball?

A: A 50 story building. Report It

This is really distasteful.
The only thing that could come close to even being a joke on this subject is YOU! And that's not funny...just a real joke.
I used to like jokes like this when I was 10, I hope you are that age otherwise you are pathetic
You ought to be ashamed for putting this up here. People like you have no sense of decency. I intend to report this for extremely bad manners.

And to cubs_woo, to find humor in someone's death is immature and unconscionable. I suppose you'd laugh even if Mrs. Lidle and her son were to walk up to you, hmm? Does it occur to you people to have any respect for the loss that others have suffered?

You want to have a sick sense of humor, nobody can stop you. But you make an impression on others, and one day you're going to find that you've made the wrong impression to the wrong person. And it will cost you ... be prepared to reap what you sow.

I worry for the young minds placed in your care. If you were under my supervision, you'd get a boatload of sensitivity training.
You are pathetic. How would you like it if someone made fun of a tragedy like this in your family?
How stupid can you be? what if his Family is here reading this Junk? how would you feel if one of your Family members was in that accident? Grow up
It's sad, but if he wasn't a Yankee, this is back page news. Haven't heard any good ones, but love the Angels bit.
Just to put it in a perspective you would understand. Just imagine that someone that you are very close to died then think about someone making fun of it. Now think about the question you just asked.
Its really sad that he died but when Darryl Kyle, who I think was a better pitcher than Cory Lidle, died no one really cared.
Nice, here is a joke.

Pete and Repeat were on a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left on the boat? A: Repeat

Pete and Repeat were on a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left on the boat? A: Repeat

Pete and Repeat were on a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left on the boat? A: Repeat....

Another one:

What did the carrot say to the weet? A: Lettuce rest, I'm feeling beet.

What did the paper say to the pen? A: I"M feeling quite all write my friend.

What did the teapot say to the chalk? A: Nothing you silly, teapots can't talk!

One more:

1. Knock, knock,

2. Whose there?

1. Water,

2. Water who?

1. Water you doing over there?
It's not a joking matter and you should be ashamed!
omgosh how rude!
Allright everyone relax. I'm 27 and an educator, but you have to have a sense of humor. No one, including the person who asked the question, is happy that this young man died in such a tragic accident. But it's a joke, relax.

Corey Lidle being traded to the Angels is frickin hilarious! I wish I had more jokes to chip in.

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