Saturday, November 28, 2009

Where did jokes about Polish people start?

Was there something that happened in history that the Polish were stamped with stupid on their forehead? Why are there as many blonde joes as Polish jokes!??

Serrious answres only!

Where did jokes about Polish people start?-Myspace pictures

remove "Polish" from the joke and insert race/gender/other characteristic of choice related %26amp; appropriate to joke and guess what?

It always works.

Why? - 'cause people iz people iz people.

(my first thought was to answer the question, "Where did jokes about Polish people start?" with the answer of: with Polish people, duh!


Where did jokes about Polish people start?

-(Myspace images

lol either your grandma was Polish or she just didn't appreciate racist jokes?

I never heard my grandparents and parents ever tell a racist joke! Racism isn't something I learned until entering this country (born here but grew up outside this country). Report It

i assume if your blond and polish it sucks to be you. no really, what polish jokes??

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