Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Blonde Jokes?

There are these real bi***** in my class and theyre blonde Know any good blonde jokes that will crush them. I am in a catholic school though

New Blonde Jokes?-Myspace pictures

what do you do if a blonde throws a grenade at you? Pull the pin and throw it back.. whats the difference between a smart blonde and bigfoot? Someday we will find bigfoot. why is a blondes coffin a triangle? Becuase when their heads hit a pillow their legs spread open. How did a blonde get hurt raking leaves? She fell out of the tree lol i have tons more

New Blonde Jokes?

-(Myspace images

Q: Why did the blonde climb over the glass wall?

A: To see what was on the other side.

Q: What would you do if a Blond threw a hand grenade right at you?

A: You'd pull the pin and throw it back.

Q: Why does it take longer to build a blonde snowman than a regular one?

A: You have to hollow out the head.

tell dis 2 ur blonde friend also..

ur such a blonde girl that ---

.....u got stabbed in a shoot-out

......Under 'education' on her job application, she put 'Hooked On Phonics.'
tell them a story about

the blondes who were like bitches,, who feels as if they were beautiful but in reality they ARE NOT....
A blonde wanted to earn some money so she went looking for odd jobs in a wealthy neighbourhood. At the first house the man said, "I'll give you $50 if you paint my porch." She agreed and went to the shed to get the paint. When he went inside, his wife, who had heard the conversation asked if the blonde knew the porch went around the back of the house. "She should," he replied. "She was standing on it."

Half an hour later, the blonde came back to the front door and said she had finished. "Already?" asked the man, astonished it took such a short amount of time. "Yeah." she replied. "And I had paint left over so I gave it 3 coats."

As she was leaving she yelled over her shoulder, "And by the way, that's not a porch, that's a ferarri."
A blonde goes to have a hair cut.The man asks him to take off the headphones she was wearing.The blonde takes it off and she dies .The man wonders what she had been listening to stay alive .He listens to the headphones and hears this " Take Breath,let it go,take breath..."

It was something like this as far as I remember
A group of blonds were in a bar, and they were all toasting to '53 days'. Finally, the bartender got curious and asked what the 53 days was about. They said that they had just put together a puzzle, and on the box it has said 4-6 years, but they had put it together in 53 days!

A blonde, a redhead, and a brunette found a genie in a bottle. The genie said that they each had to say something. If what they said was true, then they would get a wish. If what they said was false, then they would disappear. The brunette went first. She said:

"I think I'm the most beautiful person in the world." And *poof* she disappeared. Next went the redhead:

"I think I'm the smartest person in the world." and *poof* she disappeared. Then it was the blonde's turn:

"I think--" and *poof* she disappeared.

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