Saturday, November 28, 2009

Any body have any good dead baby jokes read the detailes!!!!?

my friend is crazy about them. and for the record i am extremely pro life. gay jokes and dumb blonde jokes are good to. i am not looking for long jokes just quick ones.

Any body have any good dead baby jokes read the detailes!!!!?-Myspace pictures

What's easier to unload? A truck full of bowling balls or a truck load of dead babies?

Dead babies. You can use a pitch fork.

Why do you unload a truck full of babies with a pitchfork?

So you can tell which ones are still alive.


Any body have any good dead baby jokes read the detailes!!!!?

-(Myspace images

a womans in acoma, the naurse is give a spunge bath, and washes her private area and notices sign of life, so she say to the womans husbans that some oral sex may help, and man looks scocks but finaly agrees, he goes into the room and the doctors and nurses all leave and gives his privace, all all hear her monitor flat line, when they go in the man, say "i think she chocked"
3 tomatoes were walking down the street. A mommy tomato, a daddy tomato and a baby tomato. The baby tomato couldn't keep up. The mean daddy tomato turned around and yelled , "ketchup!", then stomped on the baby.
You are 1 sick maniac. You also need professional help to ask a question like that.
And I thought I was sad..
I find it interesting that someone who claims to be a pro-lifer should enjoy jokes about dead infants. Interesting, but not unexpected.
why do u put the baby feet first into the blender?

you can see its expressions

whats the difference between a baby and an oinion

no one crys when u chop up the baby
i think you and your friend are heartless, inhumane,ignorant, etc.

i can't imagine why yahoo would let a question like that to be asked.

i think they need to start monitoring what kind of question are asked . ok now let's hear from all the righteous people about free speech and free this come on people get real
I can't believe anyone actually answered this question.
you sick twat..............
great jokes guys....thanks for the laugh!

jeez....some people take things too personally. it is just a joke!!! get over yourselves!!!
I personally think jokes about dead babies are NOT cute and I can almost assure you that anyone who has ever lost a baby or child for that matter also doesn't think so..Children are precious gifts of God not THINGS that you can just toss around when you get tired of them or decide "I screwed up so I will just kill it so nobody knows" people make me sick" a mother who lost son a few years ago I pray you NEVER suffer the kind of torment a parent goes thru when they lose their child...don't tell me to loosen up it was just a's not's sick and if you ever lose a child, it won't be funny to you
What's the difference between a pile of dead babies and a Cadillac?

I don't have a Cadillac in my garage.

What's the difference between a baby and a trampoline?

I take my boots off when I jump on a trampoline.
I honestly don't like the dead baby jokes, can't understand why people tell them... but if you are offended by them... DON'T READ THEM!!!!

If you don't like cigarette smoke DON'T GO TO THE BAR!!!

You are the types of people that are removing all of our constitutional rights by forcing YOUR beliefs on everyone else.

That's all I caare to say right now.
You are probably just trying to get people's backs up!

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