Saturday, November 28, 2009

Best short jokes ever?

short as in length of jokes not as in short people and things

Best short jokes ever?-Myspace pictures

1)whats the difference between E.T and an asian?

a) E.T speaks better english

2)whats the difference between E.T and an asian.

a)E.T got the msesage and went home.

Best short jokes ever?

-(Myspace images

John Kerry walks into a bar, the bartender says "Why the long face" ?
Q. What is green and smelly and eats nuts?

A. Syphilis!

Q. What's green, with 6 legs and if it fell out of a tree on top of you it would kill you?

A. A pool table!

Q. What's the difference between a penis and a bonus?

A. Your wife will have no problem blowing your bonus!

Q. Why did the pervert cross the road?

A. He was stuck in the chicken!
Q How do you get an elephant into a freezer?

A You open the door.

Q How do you get PiCaCHoo on a plane

A You Pokemon.
123456789101: What are you, anti-asian? Xenopobic, or something?
Guy Walks into a Bar.... OUCH!

a fish swims into a wall... DAM!

2 blondes walk into a building... you would think that atleast one of them would have seen the wall

2 nuns in a bath, the one says "where's (wears) the soap" and the other says "yes it does doesnt it?"

2 fish in a tank, the ones says to the other, "hey do you know how to drive this thing?"

2 fish or a perch the ones says to the other "you been fishing?"
What does this have to do with Mythology and Folklore?

Well anyway: Yo mama so nasty I gave her a sweater with the Backstreet Boys and when she gave it back it looked like the Jackson Five.(laughter)

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