Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do you ever laugh at somebody's jokes just to be polite, even though you don't really thin

I work with a guy who is constantly telling dirty jokes. He thinks that his jokes are very funny, but I personally find them very repulsive. Should I just come out and tell him to quit, even though he may be offended? Why do some people think that filthy jokes are funny?

Do you ever laugh at somebody's jokes just to be polite, even though you don't really think they are funny?-Myspace pictures

If the jokes are offensive, you can tell him to knock it off, funny or not. You're at work and the workplace should be respected. I don't offend easy, but I hate to see others get offended by some bonehead who thinks he's funny. If it interferes with the work, it's harassment. You should tell him that, or let the HR people tell him...

Do you ever laugh at somebody's jokes just to be polite, even though you don't really think they are funny?

-(Myspace images

All the time!
Look him in the eyes with a neutral expression for 2 seconds and look away, hope he gets the message.
i don't laugh, i make a face like "that was stupid", try it and if it doesn't work tell him to stop cause he's just not funny
Not everyone has the same sense of humor. I'd just tell him that you don't find his "dirty" jokes funny and that you'd appreciate it if he didn't tell them to you (or around you because you seem to not be able to tune it out). I think people have a right to laugh at something "they" find funny whether it's filthy or not.
i have met this type of person..the only way i escape from him is do not listen to him and just continue your work when he tell his might be work..
No, I don't laugh if I don't think it's funny. He needs to not do that on the job anyway, because of a 'little thing' called sexual harrassment. If a third party overhears and is offended, it is sexual harrassment. Best just to stay away from it. People find it funny because they are sophomoric.
Oh my goodness i know exactly what your say one of my best guy friends would say stuff like perverted to me and everyone would laugh at the jokes he was making.Finally i had to tell him to stop because he seemed to be getting out of hand with it. I would just let him no it makes you feel uncomfortable
every danm day
If the dirty jokes are offensive to you then tell him that they are and that you don't want to hear them anymore. There are laws against that and your employer needs to get his/her act together and straighten him out on these regulations. They are leaving themselves open for a lawsuit from you. It's called harrassment... It is the resposability of the employer to provide a coducive working environment for the employees. In other words, a high moral atmosphere for their employees.
Tell him as it is, but if as you say people get offended by dirty jokes you should ignore him and let the so called people that are offended deal with him.
Just tell him his jokes are not appropriate for the workplace.
I will occasionally laugh at jokes that aren't funny, depending on the joke, the situation, and who tells it. My five-year-old is trying to get the hang of knock-knock jokes, and he flubs up the punchline every time. But I laugh anyway.

However, your case is a different thing altogether. I don't know where you work, but everywhere I've ever worked, it's been made quite clear that "dirty jokes" are considered harassment. The generally accepted definition of harassment is when a coworker (or more than one) provide a truly uncomfortable working environment, usually (though not always) in a sexual way, or a racial way.

It seems to me that the guy knows his jokes are dirty, he just thinks they're funny and it hasn't crossed his mind someone would actually be offended. However, you absolutely have the right to say something, and you should. Be clear, and keep in mind that he's probably not meaning to offend you, so if you just said that you don't want him to take it the wrong way, that you're hostile towards him or anything, but you're truly offended by the jokes he tells all the time at work, and it really makes you feel uncomfortable. Chances are, he'll stop, or at least he'll make it a point to make sure you're not around when he's doing it.

Remember, if you're laughing just to "be polite", he's not getting the #1 obvious hint that you're offended. Laughing at his jokes will just encourage him.

If you need to, you can go to your supervisor and ask for them to say something to him, mediate a conversation between the two of you, or at the very least, keep an ear out so they can hear it for themselves.

I wouldn't worry too much about offending him by saying you don't appreciate his jokes. Whether it's been on purpose or not, you're offended daily by the trash that is spewed from this guy's mouth. You have the right to not listen to it anymore.
too darn bad if he gets offended, what about you, it's ok that he offends you?? tell the jerk that you do not like the jokes he's telling!! believe me, i've done it and in a very nice way, and it worked.
If he's telling dirty jokes in the workplace that offend you and make you uncomfortable, I would ignore him. He shouldn't be doing that anyway. I wouldn't laugh at his crude, uncouth jokes just to be polite. Get up and go to the restroom when he starts up.
Don't laugh at these so called jokes. Give the guy a blank look like he is speaking Chinese to you and you don't understand. He will stop telling YOU the jokes soon enough.
Every group has one *** with those jokes. And those that laugh feed the *** so he keeps doing it. I hate the jokes and they aren't funny. So don't pretend they are. Unless it's your boss, then laugh your *** off.

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