for a school project, i have to write a two page essay on different types of jokes. Answer with sources, different types of jokes you know, and a possible expample? thanks so much!
How many types of jokes do you know?-Myspace pictures
What cruel thing sits on a baby? - A babysitter. (sorry but it was the best I could do)
How many types of jokes do you know?
-(Myspace images
There are only two kinds: Funny and not funny.
1- brain teasers for nerd people
2- really funny jokes
blonde jokes, dirty jokes, yo mamma jokes... ummm... i dont know, what exactly do you mean by types of jokes?
Read this wiki.
yo mama
one liners
Knock knock
who's there?
freeze who?
Freeze a jolly good fellow
knock knock
who's there?
lettus who?
Lettus in its cold out here
What has one horn and gives milk
a milk truck
Anna: Does that cow give milk?
Lewy:No,sir. you have to take it from her first.
Waiter: How did you find your steak sir?
Scientist:I looked under a mushroom and there it was
Ms.Demay:What is that fly doing in my soup?
Waiter:The backstroke.
Amy:I want some aligator shoes.
Clerk Okay, what size does your aligator wear?
Massy:Can i put this wallpaper on myself?
Benny:Fine, but i think it would look better on the wall.
How do you keep a skunk from smelling?
Hold its nose.
How do you keep an elephant from charging?
Take away its credit cards.
Sophie:Ruben did you take a bath today?
Ruben:Why is one missing?
Keon:I cant go any further. My shoes are hurting my feet
Crista:Thats because you put them on the wrong feet.
Keon:But theese are the only feet I have.
Ruben:Did you make your bed today?
Sophie:Yes, but I think it would be easier to just buy one.
Why did jenifer go outside with her purse open?
Because she was expecting some change in the weather.
Alex:Ive been skating since I was two!
Kala Wow! You must be tierd.
jokes that make you think
common sense ones
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